10 March 2011


There's a pair of mallard ducks that has been taking a tour of our yard today. I think they are scouting out a good nesting area because when they're not wandering around checking out all the nooks and crannies of the yard, they are busily mating on the pond. Hey you two!  I swim in that pond!

There is also a pair of Canada geese swimming around out there but when they aren't swimming they are pooping on the dock. Or, as they refer to it - the poopdeck.  Yesterday we had a pair of mergansers as well, but I'd be suprised if they come back. Tried to get some photos but they are little guys and you can't get very close to them.

There's still some snow in the yard, and still a sheet of ice floating on a portion of the pond, but it looks like spring will be here soon. I've been doing some research about beekeeping and was hoping to set up a small apiary this year, but I'm still anxious about it. I want to make sure we do everything right and we may not have time to set it all up for this year. We do have honeybees come to drink out of the pond in the summer and there are some hives within a couple of miles.  Do I need more things to take care of? Would it be as rewarding and fulfilling as I think it could be?

Oh yeah, I powerwalked at the mall a bit today. Met up with some friends there and had Subway. Was doing really well then when I came home until the Tagalongs got me. Bastards. At least there are only 15 in a box now. Next year I'm just donating money.


  1. Girl Sprout cookies are such a downfall for me too. Got a couple of boxes "for the family" 2 weekends ago and they're all gone now. Kid didn't even get one.

    My oh my.

    But we worked out with weights today! Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com

  2. Hey, send our geese home. What are they doing down there? I'm glad our Girl Guides don't sell so many varities of cookies here. Keep swimming upward, you will hit the surface of the water soon.


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