A lot of my focus and research has been on beekeeping lately. It's a small way we can begin to help give back to the planet and possibly, eventually make some honey! I've started a new blog and also reopened my old writing blog that I started before this one. I feel my interests have been too narrow for the past year, and that is contributed greatly to some horrendous bouts of depression. I'll continue all of my blogs periodically, although not promising daily posts on any of them.
Aside from some bothersome joint pain some not getting enough sleep because I'm completely ignoring that little ol thing called "bedtime," things are going ok. Well, some shit happened, but I won't bore you with that. At least not right now. The main thing is that life is good, spring is springing, and my family is healthy.
When the pond warms up and I'm back to my daily exercise, the pounds will be melting off again. until then, the Wii is my workout friend again because my gym closed w/o notice. I really need to sign up for those 5K's I keep talking about.
I love happy Lanie!