06 October 2010

FLYlady - last kitchen post

Actually this will probably be the last before and after post related to FLYlady for a little while since I'll be away from home starting mid-day tomorrow and I think I read that next week's zone is the bathroom. Nobody wants to see that. Maybe I'll change my mind though, when I get there.

So, this is what the kitchen desk looked like yesterday when I took the "before" shots.

I have all kinds of nasty things to say about the person who let it get this way, but I'm taking the high road because I know for a fact that I she reads this blog.  Notice t he big pile of cardboard in the foreground and under the desk. That was taken to recycling center today. A lot of the papers were recycled as well - advertisements and expired coupons. The beset thing to find is an empty Snickers wrapper. That was a long time ago, let me tell ya. Even the cords are messy. Blech. How did I live with that? Will I let it get that way again? Did I really need to avoid it because it really didn't take that long to improve. I started working on that zone (minus the recycle boxes) less than two hours ago.  And this is what it looks like now:

Propping up the cookbooks alone makes the place seem civilized. Had Taz been the last one to cook out of one? Geesh!  Now I still have a basket of things that need attention, but it's not so bad! 

And here is my shiny sink!

Meet Vera, our house nurse/aloe plant. Isn't her tiny garden flag just adorable? She used to have a spider plant friend named Bradley, but he couldn't defend himself and met his demise at the paws (and teeth) of a vicious predator*. In his memory we now keep the dish soap and scrubber in his abandoned (and since cleaned) apartment.
Through the window you see part of the back 40 (more like .40)! If you squint real hard and turn your head sideways you might see the makings of what promises to be a terrific bonfire.  Also our weird shrub that kiddo has named "Harry".  I will have to get you a better photo of him some day. Oh! and I just noticed, you can see to the right our exotic house chef, Solara, out the window. She is our shiny solar oven - cooking away on cheesey chicken broccoli casserole, corn on the cob, and tater tots. Should be interesting. I should go get that stuff in now that the sun is setting! She doesn't work after dark.

*See photo of Hobbes on previous posts.  Nothin' he loves more than a nice fresh salad.


  1. What is this FLy lady business and where can I get one to fly by my house?

  2. FLYlady.net will explain it better than I can, but it's a system to help people get their housework under control. We were in desperate need of it and the price is right - it's free!

  3. It looks really good. I remember being obsessed with my shiny sink. I haven't followed FLYLADY in a while now, and it shows. You've got me to thinking I should start again.

  4. I love that you have a solar oven and that you actually use it! We hope to make one by next Summer because I rarely cook in the summer, and, well, it is green!

    You're doing a great job. Keep it up.

    Envious Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com

  5. We took the easy way out and bought one. Kid made one with a box and tin foil, but really could barely melt a marshmallow on the summer solstice. I can't wait to use it in the winter. That'll be fun!

  6. Lanie, i LOVE the flylady! She is just the kindest person. I am a flybaby, too! Unfortunately, I sorta fell off the map with my habits. I err on the side of spending the weekend catching up for the mess I made during the week. I need to get my routines rolling again. So inspiring that you are doing this... your kitchen looks amazing!

  7. p.s. I've been catching up on your blog! Lady, you blog too fast for me to comment on--way to go!!! Awesomeness!

  8. I feel like cleaning now. Thanks Lanie! lol...tomorrow. tomorrow I will clean.

  9. Don't worry Lala, it won't always be like this. I'm going away tomorrow afternoon until Sunday. Howevere, I did set a goal of blogging twice daily for the rest of the year so the laptop is coming along! Mwoooh ahahaha!

  10. love this post...the shiny sink...it always makes you feel so accomplished. lol.
    Looks a ton better, and even more better...how you feel after getting just one stinking area to look how you want.
    Good job lanie.

  11. I had a friend once that ate an aloe plant as a dare. Schlitz beer makes people do dumb stuff.

  12. Wow! That looks amazing! Do you travel to other messy homes and work your magic? ;)

  13. Nice work on the organization of the kitchen. Wanna come to Minnesota??


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