17 October 2010

Out & About

We had a busy day today and I've been moving most of the time since I pulled myself out of bed this morning. We visited a place called Country Lane Tree Farm where they had hayrides, corn mazes, animal handling, and more. Kiddo and her friends were in heaven. They even got to milk a real cheeseburgers cow!  We saw some huge bacon pigs (mmmm. . . .bacon), Thanksgiving Dinner turkeys, McNuggets, chickens, and all kinds of other yummy farm animals. I think I'm ready to start eating actual meals again now.  We left Sweetie home with the Apple Pie and he almost got rid of it for us, but then thoughtfully (?!) baked another one. Much easier to resist  than brownies, at least. 

I was down a small fraction of a pound this morning. Not sure how I'll do tomorrow. My back is sore from all the walking. I've got to build my strength up again, and soon!


  1. I went to a patch today too. It was so crowded I had to wait almost an hour to get onto the island, then had to wait to get to the farm. Then waited 30 more minutes to go to the bathroom. I got my veggies and left. Did not want to wait in any more lines. So sad!

  2. It's always a good idea to have children "meet" where their food comes from. Unfortunately, it made my Kid an almost-vegetarian! Fun day... good for you. Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com

  3. Lmao, this made me laugh really hard! I've never looked at animals in that way, only because if I did, I would most likely go back to being veg and loading up on pasta all the time, but that is hilarious.



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