11 October 2010

Back Home!

After 4 days of vacation and staying with my in-laws I can genuinely say that gaining only 1.1 lbs feels like a success story of sorts. We walked and shopped the magnificent mile, saw the president's private residence, and the beautiful university quad. Maybe I'll post some photos later of the adventure, if there is interest.

My friend and godmother to Kiddo is a photo-taking maniac and it is clear to me more than ever that no matter what I have achieved so far, I have a long, long way to go! Nothing like seeing a picture of my obese self - or 5,000 picutres - to remind myself to make good, healthy choices. I am not sorry for my visit to the Ghiradelli and Hershey stores. I think that if I had not allowed myself a little indulgence there, it would've led to feelings of deprivation and bingeing. Overeating is different than bingeing, of course. I take responsibility for every delicious calorie I consumed over the weekend! I mindfully chose to eat those calories, knowing they would put the scale up and that I could work them off. It was worth it!

Now, for the sweat and toil! Oh, and catching up on blogs which I may not have time to do fully, but will give it the old college try.


  1. I'd call that a successful vacation! Only 1.1 lbs. Good for you!! And it is all about conscious choices. And pics would be great!

  2. I'm interested in pictures, especially because I'll probably never get there. I love how you call your daughter Kiddo. It always makes me smile because I call my graddaughter Little Kiddo :-)

    Overeating is definitely, definitely...shall I say it again different than bingeing by calories alone and by enjoyment mindfulness and choice, to some extent. You had your fun and now you're back to your usually healthy choices --- fruit challenge!

  3. Lanie, if you can check out my post from Sunday, 10-10-10. I have an issue that I was hoping you could hlep with. It's at the end of the post!


    <3 Katie


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